Lecture lists 2024-25
Please follow one of the links below to view the current lecture lists for 2024-25 as a .pdf.
- Part IA - updated 14/02/2025
- Part IB - updated 28/02/2025
- Part II - updated 17/02/2025
- Part III - updated 17/02/2025
- Graduate courses (non-examinable) - updated 17/02/2025
- Quantitative Climate and Environmental Science
- Michaelmas Term 2024 - updated 19/09/2024
Information about which lectures are recorded can be found in the Lecture Lists. Further details about lecture recordings can be found in the Faculty's Statement on the Recording of Teaching Sessions.
The timetables for all parts of the Mathematical Tripos and NST Mathematics are available via https://www.timetable.cam.ac.uk. This application allows you to build your own personalised timetable of lectures and classes.
Please send any queries to lecturelist@maths.cam.ac.uk.
Term dates 2024-25
Lectures are usually held between the following dates, starting on the first Thursday and ending on the last Wednesday. The weeks are designated 1 to 8.
Michaelmas Term: Tuesday 8 October to Friday 6 December
Lent Term: Tuesday 21 January to Friday 21 March
Easter Term: Tuesday 29 April to Friday 20 June.
You can find the dates for this academic year and for following years on the Term Dates webpage.
Attending University lectures
As a matriculated student, you are entitled to attend any lectures (but not classes or practicals) of any degree course. Students wishing to attend lectures for a subject for which they are not registered will be permitted to do so only if there is room for them in the lecture theatre. Please check the details published by the Faculty or Department concerned before attending such lectures as you may be required to sign up in advance.