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Welcome to Mathematics in Cambridge

From Newton and earlier to the present day, Cambridge Mathematicians have led the world.

We offer outstanding undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses, and exceptional PhD programmes.

We carry out research of world class excellence spanning topics in Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics (at DPMMS), and Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (at DAMTP).

Our innovative education programmes and outreach events support teachers and school students worldwide, and share the excitement of the subject with the public.


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Four members of the Mathematics departments elected Fellows of the Royal Society

John Aston and Oscar Randal-Williams, from DPMMS, and Eric Lauga and Mihaela van der Schaar, from DAMTP, have all been recognised for their outstanding work.

Unravelling the secrets of life

Ray Goldstein, Alan Turing Professor of Complex Physical Systems at DAMTP, works on an area where Turing's legacy has had huge impact: mathematical biology. He tells us more about this work, and how mathematics can help shed light on fascinating problems in evolution.

A quantum leap: mapping DNA diversity with quantum computing

A collaboration led by DAMTP's Dr Sergii Strelchuk has been awarded up to $3.5 million in funding to explore the potential of quantum computing in one of the most exciting new areas in biomedical science.

Oscar Randal-Williams takes up the Sadleirian Professorship of Pure Mathematics

Congratulations to Oscar Randal-Williams, who has been elected to the prestigious Sadleirian Professorship of Pure Mathematics in the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics.

Training AI models to answer 'what if?' questions could improve medical treatments

An international team, including researchers in DAMTP, has found that a comparatively new area of machine learning could make medical treatments safer, more efficient, and more personalised.

Contagious Maths: bringing mathematical research into the classroom

New resources launched by Professor Julia Gog and the Faculty's outreach project link mathematical research to the school curriculum, to highlight the role of maths in tackling real-world problems.

We collaborate and consult with business, industry, governments, NGOs, charities, and fellow teachers and academics. We recruit worldwide. We value our alumnae and alumni.